
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Story time - by Zoe

this term I have been learning about showing not telling and punk

I am still working on it. 

The hidden world 

Orientation: setting and character

It was noon, the day had been scorching hot and the heat waves covered the abandoned city. Looking around, all I could see was an endless amount of green trees, vines and grass scattered around the ghost town.  As I walked through what was left of the old science lab The wind blew soft against my rosy cheeks. As I walked all you could hear were my scuffed-up leather boots on the mossy ground 

As the sun started to settle in for the night, I started to wonder what happened to mum, dad, Emma and baby Luka, are they ok, where are they? Are they still alive? It had been 6 years since I had seen them. 

Anxiety started creeping up on me, so I went for a walk that seemed to be the only thing I do now. Go on walks just me and my never-ending questions. Then I had an idea what if I went to look for my family, what if I left all this ruin behind? The only thing stopping me will be the wall. But that won’t stop me. I ran to my shelter ( my old house ) grabbed my food and bag, and ran. 

This paragraph needs punctuation attention

I was so excited to see my sister Emma, she was my best friend. Just the thought of seeing my family made me start to tear up. Finally, I got to the wall. I threw my bag over it and started the climb I fell, the next attempt I fell again, “the third time’s a charm” I said to myself. Then I fell and scraped my knees one started to bleed but I paid no attention to that. The more times I tried, the more I was determined to get to my family. Then after what felt like forever I got over the wall, grabbed my bag, looked up and then I saw what looked like the amazon. I was so stunned that I fell backwards in shock. It looked glorious never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would see something so magnificent


All the lushes green vegetation hugged me as I walked through the jungle. It was now pitch black in the sky the only glimmer of light was the moon and stars. The next morning hot and humid I ate some of my food and started to walk. My heart was pounding with excitement,

Then I saw it - a clearing! Then a house and one more house it was a city. The tears started pouring out I ran into the city. And sow her MUM! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021

My narrative writing goals

 My Writing Goals 

Not yet


Got it! 

My story flows and I use punctuation for effect 

I have an interesting hook

I have good organisation (paragraphs help reader with the orientation, problem, complication, solution)

I have used , . ?!  correctly within direct speech

I have short sentences for impact and longer sentences to build detail

I have used wow words (verbs, adjectives, nouns)

I have figurative language ( simile, metaphor, idiom personification)

I mostly use show not tell 

I have a wide variety of  sentence starters

I have a 2A, double ly; de;de;  simile; verb, person sentence; 3 ed; emotion word, sentence; P.C sentence. ( comment on them)

I can give, and respond to, peer and teacher feedback to improve my work and my friend’s. 

My writing goals are...

To have some personification and good sentence structure.